The Birch Bots had a very jam-packed week of planning. On Monday, the team executives met to map out the rest of the season. They decided what would be expected from each group and also set deadlines for each piece. They also debated the chassis build, turning back to examine the pros and cons of last year’s design (pictured here). On Tuesday, the mechanical team further discussed the rules and regulations and brainstormed the general design and what the purpose of each moving part would be. We made big strides on Wednesday, discussing the tank drive and setting specific goals for each project, further simplifying what each member should do. Now Thursday was no slacker either. Two teams met, the finance/media team as well as the programming team. Over in programming, they had their first meeting to discuss the code for the tank drive, as well as explaining what it would accomplish. In finance/media we discussed what the budget was and potential ways to garner sponsors.
One response
wow truly incredible